Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gabby and Gabbi!

Recently me and gab were watching the fireworks together on the fourth of July. We were getting bored because we parked in a crappy spot where we couldn't completely see the fireworks, so gab and I were talking and texting our friends. Gab brought up the topic of the way we spell our names, and gab was bored with the way she spelled it and wanted to spell it with an "i." However we couldn't spell them the same way (both being named gabby is confusing enough.) So we both decided that it would be cool if we spelled our names differently and we swaped the spellings for our names. So i agreed and we have now decided that I am gabby and she is gabbi. We may switch back in a year or if we really don't like it we can switch sooner but only over fireworks since that's when we first changed the names (and swore by it). Now we are still sticking with the plan of spelling our names opposite and we are enjoying the change.

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